How do I rollout payroll changes?

We recommend making changes after you've run your final payroll report using the existing pay configuration, as our software only allows one configuration at a time — we do not support the ability to make changes ahead of time or queue up changes.

Typically, customers make changes by:

  • Ensuring all locations are added to the account (accessible via Settings -> Locations)

  • Reviewing the account configuration (accessible via Payroll -> Settings)

  • Adding, editing, or removing class filters (accessible via Payroll -> Class Filters)

After those steps, you can rollout your payrate changes by making edits to individual employees on the Payroll -> Payrates screen. This may involve editing existing rates and/or removing and re-adding individual payrates.

We do have a clone feature you can use to copy payrates from one employee to another. For example, you can make edits to one employee and then copy their entire configuration to a handful of other employees. Keep in mind that cloning overwrites the entire pay configuration for an employee and is irreversible.


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