How does the debit account feature work?

Normally, when our software can't process a credit card, the charge will show as a failure in your final daily report and it's up to the studio manager / owner to process that charge manually once the client has updated their credit card.

However, we have a feature that allows us to place failed charges on client account balances in lieu of requiring studios to handle them manually. For this to work, the studio must allow account purchases and client negative balances.

This feature is a great addition to studios already using account purchases with support for client negative balances as part of their daily operations and workflow. For studios not already utilizing these Mindbody options, adjusting these settings to support Bitlancer’s debit account feature is not recommended.

For more information on account purchases and client negative balances, please contact Mindbody Support or reference this Mindbody Support Article as a starting point.

To enable the debit account feature on your Bitlancer account, please contact Bitlancer Support.


Will the client lose a class?